• Focus on Excellence is a new, one-of-a-kind leadership learning summit exclusively for principals, presidents, strategists, and key stakeholders from top U.S. homebuilding firms as they plan for 2025 and come together for lifelong leadership learning, strategic business education, motivation and inspiration and networking and connection.

  • Focus on Excellence 2024 will be held at the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines in Austin, Texas.

  • The fee to attend Focus on Excellence is $1,895 USD per person.

  • Hotel rooms are NOT included in the cost of your registration. We have negotiated a special group rate with the Hyatt Regency Lost Pines. You can book your room by going to the Information page.

  • Focus on Excellence will provide you with an array of high-engagement, experiential program sessions in focus-areas essential to surviving and thriving across ongoing turbulence and challenge for both consumer households, in their pursuit of home ownership, and the businesses whose mission is to meet America’s needs for new residential real estate development and construction.

    Your registration includes access to Keynote Session(s), where industry leaders will share strategies and foresights. Additionally, you are cordially invited to partake in our Networking Events, designed to foster meaningful connections with peers and luminaries in the field. The experience is further enriched with access to our Exhibits, showcasing the latest innovations and solutions in homebuilding.

    Your attendance is also complimented with an invitation to the Welcome Reception for cocktails and hors d'oeuvres, a gathering that sets the stage for informal networking in a refined atmosphere. Moreover, all meals are provided, ensuring a seamless and comfortable experience throughout the event.

    We crafted a program to provide you with an unparalleled opportunity to gain insights, connect with industry counterparts, and explore new horizons in homebuilding. We look forward to welcoming you to an event that promises to be as rewarding as it is informative.

    Access to the Build Smarter Conference (all sessions, networking reception and all meals).

  • Focus on Excellence is an in-person summit with no virtual participation at this time.

  • You are welcome to bring your spouse/partner. The cost is $620 per person for admission to the conference, networking breaks, meals and events.

  • Focus on Excellence is an exclusive conference reserved for executives at homebuilding companies. Please note filling out the registration form acts as an application to attend. Your registration will be reviewed within 24 hours. If approved, your credit card will be charged and you will receive a confirmation email alerting your acceptance to attend Focus On Excellence. If you do not qualify, you will also receive an email but your credit card with not be charged.

  • Registration fees are non-refundable.

  • Build Smarter is the homebuilding industry's premiere event for product innovation, networking, and learning. Together with the Focus on Excellence Summit, this year's event will expand to include more business leaders, decision-makers, and technology users. Learn more here.